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ONFAdd Galleryでは、12月6日(金)-12月18日(水)の期間、写真家・秦野市市議会議員として活躍する、伊藤大輔の写真展およびコラボレーションアイテム販売を行います。 最終日にはクロージングセッションとして、ゲストを招待したトークセッションを行う予定です。詳細はおってご連絡いたしますので、お楽しみに。







けれど、目の前の出来事を自身の目で見つめ、手、足、頭を全力で動かして捉える姿勢こそが、クリエイションの土壌で、ひいては人間として生きる上で、死守すべきものではないだろうか。 そのような、土地も職能も飛び越えて、目の前で起こっていることへ向き合っていく態度を「現場主義」と名付けるならば、私たちONFAddは現場主義者の集団である。


◆ スケジュール

2019年12月6日(金) - 12月18日(水) 14:00 - 20:00(※月曜定休)

◆ 場所

ONFAdd gallery 〒153-0044 東京都目黒区大橋1-1-8 エバーヒルズ池尻大橋 2F

◆ 写真家紹介


ONFAdd Gallery #006 exhibition, Daisuke Ito "losolmo gym+" opens from December 6th.

Dec 5, 2019

From December 6th to 18th, ONFAdd Gallery will hold an exhibit of photographs by Daisuke Ito , is a photographer and Hadano city councilor, along with the sale of collaborative items. In last day, as closing session, we will held talk-session with guest. Later we announce you more details, please look forward to it.

Exhibition #006


Even though it was on a screen, the first time I saw the photographs of Daisuke Ito, I was deeply moved by the directness of his works.

The monochrome images showed boys and the economically disadvantaged environment in which they lived. Nevertheless, the boys shone brightly as they projected a radiant energy. This was not expressed artificially, but rather communicated that they were indeed shining brightly before the viewfinder. I thought he was a wonderful photographer who respects what is happening in front of him as he experiences it and sublimely incorporates it into his work.

I can have seen the certainty of this when reading his interviews or talking with him during meetings. His willingness to respond to the events in front of him with all his mind and might was powerfully transmitted to me. And the subject of this response was not limited to his photographs. I heard that he even became a city council member because he felt the need to learn first-hand and raise his voice regarding the water problem in the community where he lives.

I continue to be amazed at his endless vitality and it was plainly manifest that his style is the ideal of ONFAdd.

Today, the proliferation of information has become commonplace and even in-depth contents can be viewed on a device. It is easy to access the surface as well as get the feeling that you “understand” the deeper layers.

However, seeing how he sees the events in front of him with his own eyes and fully utilizes his hands, feet, and head is surely the fertile ground of creation and what we must defend as humans. If we can call the attitude of going beyond borders and occupation to confront what is happening in front of us “the hands-on approach,” then our ONFAdd is a group of hands-on practitioners.

Daisuke Ito is thoroughly a hand-on practitioner as well and his photographs can powerfully raise the viewer to the same level. This exhibition focuses on photographs taken in a boxing gym in Losolmo, a city in Cuba. I want you to image traveling through his gaze to a remote land and get the feeling of actually participating in person.

◆ Schedule

Period: December 6th (Friday) to December 18th (Wednesday), 2019 Time: 2pm to 8pm (* Closed on Monday.)

◆ Place

ONFAdd gallery 2F Everhills Ikejiri-Ohashi 1 Chome-1-8 Ohashi, Meguro, Tokyo,Japan ZIP:153-0044

◆ Profile

Daisuke Ito was born in 1976 in Japan. He had learned photography for two years at IDEP in Bacelona, Spain.He had wandered around Central and South America for two years. He started his career as a photographer in 2005 in slum named Chapéu Mangueira in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.He works in editorial and advertising of Brazil and Japan after his return to Japan in 2016.Now, he is a photographer and Hadano city councilor.





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